Organizational and Personal Development Training Workshop Package 1 Contents

When you purchase your Teacher Innovation Management  (TIM) Workshop eBook, you get a 20 year limited fair trade copyright license to make copies for all your teachers PCs for the next 20 years,

  • Because even though some personal learning and applications are immediate, there is so much to learn about our creative mind capabilities personally and as a team, it will take years of study and application for your teachers to become truly proficient. 
  • Therefore, your TIM workshop eBook will always there 24/7 to keep on refreshing and teaching your staff new skills to create new and better educational solutions and curriculum innovations every day, year after year.     

Your 140 page Teacher Innovation Management™ Workshop eBook package contains the following 10 units:

  1. TIM Focus
  2. TIM Goals, Strategies, Skills and Benefits
  3. TIM School Community Needs Analysis
  4. TIM Principal's Resources
  5. TIM Team Building
  6. TIM Needs Analysis
  7. TIM Mind Management.
  8. TIM Problem Solving
  9. TIM Team Brainstorming
  10. TIM Trainer Resources

Workshop Aims: 

To Introduce and Teach Your Whole School New Creative Innovative Mind Management Algorithms, Strategies, Tools and Skills on six levels:

1. Organisational      2.  Management        3. Trainer       4. Team       5. Interpersonal      6. Personal

Workshop Outcomes: 

Your Whole School Will Achieve a Total Innovation Culture with the Knowledge and Ability to Create a Greater Quantity and Quality of New Teaching-Learning Solutions and Curriculum Innovations.

To place your Teacher Innovation Management eWorkshop order go to >  Workshop Purchase   Thank you.

copyright Alfred H Gorman