Photo taken 2001
Humanist Psychologist, Author, Publisher and Chairman
My Mission: Helping to Create a Better World through Educational Innovation.
Feel free to email inquires to me to discuss TIM.
My 50+ years of professional work includes Claremont Teachers College Lecturer, Management Consultant, Australian Institute of Management Trainer, School Psychologist, Yoga Teacher, Author of the following TIM eWorkshops, Educational eBooklets, Staff Development Workshops, Teachers College Courses and Textbooks:
Total Innovation ManagementTM Training eWorkshop. A new personalised computer-based proactive eworkshop designed to support a total organisational approach to creative innovative thinking and creative problem solving skills development.
Teacher Innovation ManagementTM Training eWorkshop. A new personalised computer-based proactive eworkshop designed to develop and support a whole school community approach to educational innovation.
How to Develop Seven Important Academic and Personal Student Survival Skills eBooklet. 7 Skills include: 1. Creating a Positive Lifestyle; 2. Relaxation Exercises; 3. Stress Management; 4. Study Skills; 5. Career Planning; 6. Essay and Report Writing; 7. Test Taking Skills. I personally trained over 500 students in these seven skills. Available online. click:
How to Create MultiMathsTM Educational Math Dice Games eBooklet. With 10 minutes instruction on how to play MultiMaths, a teacher had his whole class playing Multi-Maths games in groups of 3 and achieved 100% enthusiastic participation, learning and achievement by all thirty year 6 students over a 30 minute session. Available online. click:
Teach Your Child to Read with the Learn to Read Together MethodTM eBooklet. I personally trained over 100 students, teachers and parents with this method. Available online. click:
Workshop Leader's Manual: for the Learn to Read Together MethodTM eBooklet. I personally trained over 100 parents and teachers with this workshop. Available online. click:
Family CPR Guide ePoster. over 1000 people have been instructed using this Guide. Available online. click:
Seven Staff Development Workshops: 1. Leadership; 2. Team Building; 3. Creative Innovative Thinking; 4. Negotiation; 5. Stress Management; 6. Problem Solving; 7. Organisational Development. I trained over 500 staff in these workshops.
Author and Instructor of Three Teachers College Core Educational Psychology Courses and Textbooks: 1. Instructional Models; 2. Behavioural Education; 3. Teaching and Learning. I personally trained over 3,000 student teachers in these 3 courses at Claremont Teachers College.
Present 2024 Project: writing a new eWorkshop: 21st Century Stress Management Survival Skills and Strategies
It is with great love, respect and gratitude, that I dedicate to my greatest mentors, my mother Janet RN and my father
Dr Alfred H Gorman College Professor, Organisational Consultant, Chairman of AHG inc., Doctorate, Columbia University
Honorary Chairman
Also with great love, respect and gratitude, I wish to introduce my son and mentor Alfred H Gorman III Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, Bachelor Computer and Mathematical Science, University of Western Australia. Managing Director